Every contact centre leader is chasing optimised frontline performance with maximum customer satisfaction. One of the most powerful tools in the kitbag is quality assurance. Designed effectively, a quality framework can identify where frontline performance can be enhanced to deliver first contact resolution.

For years, contact centre quality specialists have been manually analysing voice calls and email interactions. Today, this can all be done automatically, analysing 100 percent of interactions across all channels. Throw in some AI and the systems will also present areas to focus the improvements, leaving your analysts to progress their careers and work on the most complex challenges in the contact centre.

The big question is how do you migrate from manual quality monitoring to full AI-powered quality management?

Leigh Hopwood, CEO at CCMA, explored this journey to automation with a panel of industry leaders including, Sean Reynolds, Head of Quality Assurance at Vitality, Daisy Crouch, Senior Training and Quality Manager at Dojo and Rob Wilkinson, CX Solutions Consultant at evaluagent. Watch as they share how they have travelled this path most recently and evaluagent share some observations on those that have been most successful along the way.

Catch up on the online seminar below.

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