Coaching, performance management, and giving feedback are three of most critical skills a team leader or manager needs to cultivate.

The courses in this bundle give any team leader or manager a good grounding in the core skills they will apply every day when leading and developing their teams. Whether you’re established in management, new to it, or even building towards it, attending these three courses will equip you in your career for years to come.

How it works

Book this bundle of 3 courses and save 10% per person per course. You can book multiple people at once on to all 3 courses, just use the form below to tell us who’s coming.

Courses in this bundle

Learning outcomes

After taking these courses you will be able to:

  • Identify and agree the benefits of Coaching vs a Directive approach.
  • Practise the application of the GROW Coaching Model to structure an effective coaching conversation and achieve great outcomes.
  • Use a variety of coaching tools, such as Performance Wheel, and Learning Styles to enhance your coaching sessions.
  • Understand the key components of performance management in a call centre environment whether in the office or remotely.
  • Recognise the part a leader plays in creating a performance driven culture.
  • Understand the impact of feedback on self and self-development.
  • Understand some psychology of feedback and how to use this to overcome obstacles when delivering and receiving feedback.

Benefits to your business

In today’s tight job market everyone needs to keep hold of staff and keep them motivated and engaged. That task usually falls to Team Leaders and line managers, who might be great at organising and running operations, but can they mentor and inspire?

Can they establish objectives through which individuals and teams can see their part in the organisation’s mission and strategy? Improve performance among employees, teams and, ultimately, organisations? Hold people to account for their performance by linking it to reward, career progression and termination of contracts?

Can they give and receive feedback to maintain quality, reinforce your organisation’s culture, and play their part in creating a workplace that fosters creativity and standards?

“Jen delivered the training very well, clear and concise information and providing great insight in to models that can be adopted within the workplace.”

“The training delivery from Jacqui was absolutely excellent. I also liked that I have been provided with several different coaching tools which can be applicable for multiple circumstances.”

Book This Bundle

Please fill in the form to register up to 6 people for this bundle. Each attendee will attend all 3 courses. They will be be enrolled into the next available session for each course. We will contact the booker to arrange the payment and confirm the dates.

Company *
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Purchase order number
Are you a member? *

Please book places on this event for the following people:

Number of Attendants
(If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

By completing this form you agree to CCMA’s standard Terms and Conditions for Training and that the CCMA using your personal data in accordance.

Payment Method *
 GBP inc. VAT

To pay by Invoice:

Please fill in the form to place your order. We will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

To pay by Training Credits:

Please fill in the form to place your order. If your CCMA membership account has sufficient Training Credits we will email you to confirm.

If you do not have enough Training Credits to cover the full amount we will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay the balance by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

Please book places on this event for the following people:

Attendee 1: (If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

Attendee 2:

Attendee 3:

Attendee 4:

Attendee 5:

Attendee 6:

By completing this form you agree to CCMA’s standard Terms and Conditions for Training and that the CCMA using your personal data in accordance.


Three x 3-hour online Training Courses using Zoom or Teams.

Who is it for?

Contact Centre Team Leaders and Managers who want to get better at mentoring, not just managing, their teams. Also open to people looking to move into a Team Leader or coaching role.

Why should you go?

To improve your skills in managing your team, improving their performance, and holding everyone accountable to achieving your organisation’s goals.

How much is it?

CCMA members: £762*

Non-members: £1,032*

Per person, for three courses.

Includes 10% discount.

*excludes VAT

Additional discounts available for group bookings