Where and when?

Three 2-hour online sessions

Date: Tue 13 Feb 2024 - Wed 14 Feb 2024

Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Location: Online

Improve the interaction between Resource Planning and Team Leaders and empower your leaders through a greater understanding of how the operation impacts forecasts and schedules.

After this virtual training course Team Leaders will be able to raise awareness in their centres of how they and their team’s actions and behaviours impact the forecasts and schedules.

They will also understand how schedule adherence, correct use of activity codes and managing holiday allocations determine the planning outputs, and how their actions could reduce the pressure of work.

Course Description

This course will highlight the key areas of the planning process that Team Leaders and advisors influence, raising awareness of how their actions determine the planning outputs.

This virtual training course provides information and tools for delegates to educate advisors in your centre on the impact their behaviour has on shift patterns, time off the phone and how busy they are when logged in.

Learning outcomes

  • An overview of the outputs of Resource Planning
  • How Advisors and Team Leaders impact these
  • Appreciation of the influence of Advisor behaviour on planning outputs
  • How working closely to the plan can give them a better workload balance and work-life balance
  • Identify what needs to improve in your centre, including data analysis and reporting, as well as advisor awareness and behaviours
  • Prioritise the issues you have identified

Benefits to your business

Resource planning and workforce management are difficult enough arts to get right even when the information coming from the frontline managers and staff is accurate. If the planning team doesn’t get timely and correct information they cannot make the best use of resources, which costs the business money in lost productivity. Even worse they can under-resource which means customer calls and other interactions don’t get answered quickly enough, leading to dissatisfaction.

Finally, from the point of view of the frontline managers and agents, it’s the resource planning team that delivers them the flexible working schedules they want to maintain acceptable workloads and a good work/life balance. So working together is in everyone’s best interests.

Course content

Operational perspective on:

  • The possible causes of perceived poor forecasts
  • The impact of not adhering to schedules and holiday allocations
  • The importance of using the correct aux/activity codes and how this can impact schedules produced
  • The benefits of flexibility to advisors
  • What occupancy is and why it is important to advisors
  • What Resource Planning does to optimise service levels and advisor work-life balance

About the trainer

Christine Chapman is a seasoned resource planning trainer. Back in 1998 she was promoted at Nationwide Building Society to Resource Planning Manager supporting 450 colleagues in the contact centre. Since then she has gone on to deliver WFM best practice and training projects across the world.

What delegates say

“I was able to further my understanding of resourcing terminology and subjects that i can then overlay into my day to day role. It will help me identify areas to focus on further that has not had enough attention to help our resource planning.”

Book your place(s)

Company *
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Purchase order number
Are you a member? *

Please book places on this event for the following people:

Number of Attendants
(If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

By completing this form you agree to CCMA’s standard Terms and Conditions for Training and that the CCMA using your personal data in accordance.

Payment Method *
 GBP inc. VAT

To pay by Invoice:

Please fill in the form to place your order. We will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

To pay by Training Credits:

Please fill in the form to place your order. If your CCMA membership account has sufficient Training Credits we will email you to confirm.

If you do not have enough Training Credits to cover the full amount we will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay the balance by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

Where and when?

Two 3-hour online sessions

Date: Tue 13 Feb 2024 - Wed 14 Feb 2024

Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Location: Online


Two x 3-hour online sessions on Tuesday & Wednesday using Zoom or Teams.

Who is it for?

This course is for Team Leaders who would like to understand how they can help resource planners make better, more accurate forecasts and schedules.

Why should you go?

Team Leaders will be able to raise awareness in their centres of how they and their team’s actions and behaviours impact the forecasts and schedules.

How much is it?

CCMA members: £399 + VAT additional places £349 + VAT

Non-members: £499 + VAT additional places £449 + VAT

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