Where and when?

Date: Thu 29 Feb 2024

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online

You wouldn’t believe how much time the average manager loses each year due to needless interruptions at work. And that’s just one of the many barriers stopping us from being as productive as we could be.

We live in a world of efficiency where speed and being responsive is a constant focus for everyone.  We need to ensure that we plan and prioritise our day so that we are allocating the right amount of time to important tasks and not spending all of our time on urgent tasks.

Course Description

Over a 3 hour remote session we will aim to equip participants with some key tools and techniques to help maximise productivity.

This course will be short, sharp and punchy, because effective planning and prioritisation shouldn’t take a lot of time!

Most of the session will take the form of interactive group discussions and exercises.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Use the Time Management Matrix to recognise where they are currently spending their time and consider ways to increase the amount of time being spent on the most important tasks.
  • Describe and apply the 6 steps to working SMARTER not HARDER.
  • Learn about the only 3 tasks that need to be completed and understand how to prioritise the most important tasks first.
  • Identify the consequences of multi-tasking and the impact that this can have on quality of output.
  • Apply the “Power of Focus” to day-to-day activities.
  • Ask questions about current situations and benefit from the expertise of the facilitators.
  • Appreciate the importance of following a process when delegating tasks and be able to identify who to delegate tasks to.
  • Create an action plan that will help you to apply all the learning that you get from the course.

Benefits to your business

Productivity is a major issue for most organisations today as we continue to adapt to new ways of working following the pandemic, including remote and hybrid.

An organisation whose managers understand how to prioritise their time, and that of their colleagues – and work smarter rather than harder – can make some incredible efficiency gains in a short space of time.

Across the organisation savings like that can really add up, enabling your organisation to do a whole lot more with the same resources. The results can potentially impact the bottom line in terms of profitability.

Course content

  • Overcoming Time Challenges
  • The Time Management Matrix
  • 6 Steps to working SMARTER not Harder
  • The Power of Focus
  • The Only Three Tasks that you need to complete
  • The process for effective delegation
  • Who do I delegate to?
  • The Cost of Multi-tasking

About the trainer

Gavin Scott

With a background in telecommunications, Gavin helped to move O2UK from 4th to 1st in the marketplace for Customer Satisfaction.  During the latter part of his career at O2UK he carried out the role of Leadership Development Consultant.  His responsibilities included designing and delivering a Management Development programme as well as implementing a Coaching culture across the business.

Gavin has worked for a large number of blue-chip organisations as a trainer, facilitator and speaker, focusing specifically on developing behavioural change within organisations, including British Gas, Npower, Severn Trent Water, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank, Virgin Media, RAC, cinch, BMW.

When asked what makes Gavin unique, his clients use words like, engaging, dynamic, fresh, thought provoking, storyteller and excellent facilitator of behavioural change.

What delegates say

“I really liked that although it was a small group, we had the chance to interact a lot and have some really helpful discussions about our own experiences.”

Book your place(s)

Company *
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Purchase order number
Are you a member? *

Please book places on this event for the following people:

Number of Attendants
(If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

By completing this form you agree to CCMA’s standard Terms and Conditions for Training and that the CCMA using your personal data in accordance.

Payment Method *
 GBP inc. VAT

To pay by Invoice:

Please fill in the form to place your order. We will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

To pay by Training Credits:

Please fill in the form to place your order. If your CCMA membership account has sufficient Training Credits we will email you to confirm.

If you do not have enough Training Credits to cover the full amount we will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay the balance by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

Where and when?

Date: Thu 29 Feb 2024

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online


3-hour online session using Zoom or Teams

Who is it for?

Anyone who is new to Leadership and wants to adopt some good habits. Existing Leaders who want to refresh some of their time management skills Future leaders who want to embrace new skills that will enable them to be effective in the role.

Why should you go?

Are you someone who wishes you had more hours in the day? Do you feel like you are constantly on a hamster wheel? Do you finish work and feel that you have been working hard for the whole day, but you’ve still not achieved anything? Do think that the best approach to take is to “Do it yourself” rather than waste time asking someone else to do a task? Do you think that everything is a priority?

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above, then this course is for you!

How much is it?

CCMA members: £249*

Non-members: £349*

*excludes VAT

Additional discounts available for group bookings

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