Where and when?

Date: Wed 19 Feb 2025 - Thu 20 Feb 2025

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online

Effective and ongoing performance management of your team is critical, particularly now it’s become even more challenging with the advent of remote working.

We define performance management as the process of continuous feedback and communication between managers and their employees to ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organisation.

The goal is to ensure that employees are performing efficiently throughout the year, and in the process, address any issues that may arise along the way that affect employee performance.

Course Description

This course, over two three-hour sessions online, will help you understand what drives a performance culture and your role in this. We will consider the varying components in driving performance and addressing underperformance, and how to diagnose the root cause in order to embark on the right course of action.

Importantly, you will learn how to give feedback effectively and utilise performance improvement and development plans. We will also review the full planning cycle that should take place within an organisation and examine what performance management actually is.

We then look at it from a manager’s perspective to understand the role you play in how you treat and communicate with your team members, looking at the importance of coaching, what is involved and focusing on how to make employees feel engaged and valued through training, feedback, ongoing development, having long term goals, valuing contribution of ideas and regular reviews.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the key components of performance management in a call centre environment whether in the office or remotely
  • Recognise the part a leader plays in creating a performance driven culture
  • Understand the importance of applying a consistent, structured approach to managing performance
  • Understand the importance of analysing the metrics available and recognising the correlations between different KPIs
  • Diagnose performance issues and identify the best course of action
  • Understand how to conduct a positive feedback session both in person and remotely

Benefits to your business

Once your key managers have completed the training course, your business will benefit from being able to:

  • Establish objectives through which individuals and teams can see their part in the organisation’s mission and strategy.
  • Improve performance among employees, teams and, ultimately, organisations.
  • Hold people to account for their performance by linking it to reward, career progression and termination of contracts.

Course content

Session 1 – What Performance Management is and why we do it

  • Understanding what makes up PM
  • How leadership is critical to its success
  • Line Managers’ role in PM
  • The importance of a consistent structured approach to everyone
  • Are we managing performance or behaviour?
  • How PM links to Engagement and why this matters
  • How do we link PM to our company’s strategy/vision?
  • Assessing a team’s capability and motivation

Session 2 – How to Performance Manage

  • How does PM differ from other approaches/interventions?
  • Understand how our beliefs and level of rapport with individuals affect the way we manage them
  • The process of the PM cycle including clear objectives, reviewing, coaching, adapting and follow up
  • Feedback – its purpose and how to deliver it effectively using simple models
  • Analysing the root cause of poor performance
  • Coaching V telling
  • Managing the performance of poor performers, middle of the road performers and great performers both face to face and remotely

About the trainer

Jenifer Lord is a highly skilled Coach and facilitator who has worked with many prestigious clients and organisations all over the UK and in South Africa, India and USA. Having gained most of her experience over many years leading teams in fast paced multi-million turnover organisations, Jenifer blends strong commerciality and outstanding customer focus with a revolutionary way of thinking. She is a qualified NLP Practitioner as well as a Hypnotherapist and is qualified to use several psychometric profiling tools including MBTI and TMSDI.

Her passion for understanding what makes people tick led her to study Psychology, Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for stress reduction as well as Mindfulness.

As a lover of life Jenifer understands that the key to success in both life and business is through people

What delegates say

“Jenifer was fantastic – very engaged, really knowledgeable – the other candidates that attended were from similar background to me so we experience similar issues etc so this was really insightful as well. Loved it!.”

“I like how Jen gave us the opportunity at the first session to tell her what we wanted from the session, and she asked about our roles so she could make it relevant to each of us.”

Book your place(s)

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First name *
Last name *
Job title *
Purchase order number
Are you a member? *

Please book places on this event for the following people:

Number of Attendants
(If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

By completing this form you agree to CCMA’s standard Terms and Conditions for Training and that the CCMA using your personal data in accordance.

Payment Method *
 GBP inc. VAT

To pay by Invoice:

Please fill in the form to place your order. We will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

To pay by Training Credits:

Please fill in the form to place your order. If your CCMA membership account has sufficient Training Credits we will email you to confirm.

If you do not have enough Training Credits to cover the full amount we will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay the balance by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

Where and when?

Date: Wed 19 Feb 2025 - Thu 20 Feb 2025

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online


Two x 3-hour online sessions using Zoom or Teams.

Who is it for?

Existing or aspiring team managers who are looking for best practice guidance on managing performance.

Why should you go?

To improve your skills in managing your team, improving their performance, and holding everyone accountable to achieving your organisation’s goals.

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