Where and when?

Date: Tue 15 Apr 2025

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online

Learn how to create memorable customer experiences that help you attract new customers, turn existing customers into advocates, and make your employees proud to work for you.

We all know that creating great customer experiences needs to be a priority as it is one way to truly differentiate your organisation from the competition. But inspiring your people and transforming your operation to put customer experience at the heart of what you do is difficult.

In this course you will uncover your brand’s story and values, understand what customer experience means for your customers, and learn to craft experiences that truly satisfy.

Course Description

Building great customer experiences starts by understanding what customers really want from you, and the results you want for your business too.

Great CX is all about how you fit into your customers’ lives; not how you expect them to fit your processes and policies. With that mindset we look at the three dimensions of customer experience and how you need to satisfy customers’ needs in all of them.

We’ll explore the four principles that are the keys to CX success: Culture, Commitment, Community and Communication – and learn how to use them as the building blocks for crafting unique customer experiences that make your organisation stand out.

Learning outcomes

If you are seeking to unlock the mysteries of customer experience design, development and deployment and embed a company-wide, culture of customer centricity, then this interactive workshop will help you:

  • Understand the key characteristics of customer experience that are so vital to long term survival and growth
  • Identify why the four principles are critical elements in customer experience strategy
  • Benchmark your company’s alignment and adoption of these principles
  • Apply these principles to define or reenergize your customer experience strategy
  • Lay the foundations for a customer experience framework: What good looks like
  • Identify top priorities for action that generate some quick wins and measurable returns to get customer experience off to a running start

Benefits to your business

For most businesses today, customer experience can be the difference between winning and retaining customers or losing them to a more customer-centric competitor.

Following this workshop attendees will take away practical ideas and next day actions that can be implemented quickly and cost effectively.

This will include identifying the steps involved to ready the company for a more customer centric approach, irrespective of size, and making a positive and measurable impact on your customer service operation and overall customer experience strategy.

Course content

  • Your brand’s story – share your OW and WOW moments.
  • The key characteristics of CX and terminology.
  • Where are we now? Where are we going? How will we get there? Identifying roadblocks to success.
  • Identify the procedural, technology and people enablers to delivering great experiences.
  • Review and assess your organization’s experience from customers’ and colleagues’ perspectives and why the Four Principles are critical to your success.
  • Ways to build organisational commitment to achieving increased customer focus.
  • The value of engaging and empowering employees to create differentiated experiences
  • How to visualise the destination and the metrics that will support the ongoing investment in people and technology enhancements.
  • Use the Principles to lay the foundations for great CX: What good looks like.
  • Pinpoint and document the top priorities to generate some quick wins to reenergize Customer Experience.
  • Ideas to nurture, sustain, and reinvigorate the CX program through continued involvement and celebrations of success from the cross-functional team.

About the trainer

Gerry Brown

Gerry Brown, aka The Customer Lifeguard, is on a mission to save the world from bad customer service. He helps businesses save customers at risk of expiring and breathes life into their customer service operations and customer experience strategy. Gerry has provided organizational leadership on people development, business transformation, customer engagement and technology enablement for some of the largest companies in the UK, Canada, and EMEA. These include East Sussex County Council, B3 Living, National Express, Nutricia, The Royal Albert Hall, Endsleigh Insurance, O2, Screwfix, Sage, Sky, Bell Canada and TELUS.

He is a frequent speaker, chairperson, panellist and facilitator at conferences, webinars, company events and other business gatherings, where his many years of business and customer service experience provide stimulating, thought-provoking engagement and audience participation.

He is also a published author and his new book When a Customer Wins, Nobody Loses is available on Amazon to help business leaders to create winning and memorable customer experiences. Gerry is a Member of the Professional Speaking Association (PSA), the Global Speakers Federation (GSF), the Customer Experience Professionals Association, a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Commerce and Manufacturing (RSA).

What delegates say

“Gerry is an excellent trainer and a great communicator. Really enjoyed the session and the experiences shared by other participants.”

Book your place(s)

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(If the organiser is also attending please add yourself as attendee 1)

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 GBP inc. VAT

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Please fill in the form to place your order. We will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

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Please fill in the form to place your order. If your CCMA membership account has sufficient Training Credits we will email you to confirm.

If you do not have enough Training Credits to cover the full amount we will send you an invoice that will enable you to pay the balance by BACS, credit card, IBAN or Swift. 

Where and when?

Date: Tue 15 Apr 2025

Time: 09:30 - 12:30

Location: Online


3-hour online session using Zoom or Teams.

Who is it for?

Strategy Leaders, Customer Success Managers, Customer Service Managers, Customer Experience Managers, Contact Centre Managers, Operations Managers, Team Managers.

Why should you go?

To unlock the mysteries of customer experience design, development and deployment, and learn how to embed a company-wide culture of customer centricity that helps you win and retain customers.

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