What does a high-performing hybrid team look like? While the indicators of a high-performing team are the same whether your agents are working from home or in the office, the way you manage team members to achieve those levels of performance has to be different.

Leading remote or virtual teams is similar to managing regular teams, but requires greater emphasis on building trust and confidence, communication, performance management, and effective use of technology.

Course Description

Are you a Team Leader who wants to apply best practices in ‘leading from a distance’ and ensure your team feel inspired and motivated to deliver high performance?

Do you want to ensure you build strong working relationships, built on respect, trust and autonomy?

When you have attended this course, you will walk away feeling inspired to put the appropriate actions into place to support your remote team; making them feel trusted and valued and ultimately achieve a high performance.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

  • Explain effective ways to manage a remote team which includes a mix of experience and skill levels as well as individuals who may be losing motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Identify ways to stay in REACH, with your team, to ensure you build Trust and avoid over-bearing check-ups or ‘out of sight, out of mind’ thinking
  • Apply effective strategies when facilitating remote team meetings.

Benefits to your business

In today’s tight job market contact centres that offer flexible working or home working options to their agents have a definite edge when it comes to recruitment.

While offering hybrid working can help a contact centre snap up the best talent, it does bring a whole new series of management challenges. These are challenges you need to overcome to ensure the effectiveness of your teams and the wellbeing of your people.

Fortunately the management skills your leaders have always displayed in the office can still stand them in good stead. Once they understand how to apply them remotely your high-performance teams can be exceptional no matter where they work.

Course content

Explain effective ways to manage a remote team which includes a mix of experience and skill levels as well as individuals who may be losing motivation and job satisfaction.

You will explore the key challenges of managing a hybrid team and agree steps you can take to effectively manage a mix of skill, motivation and experience levels

Identify ways to stay in REACH, with your team, to ensure you build Trust and avoid over-bearing check-ups or ‘out of sight, out of mind ’thinking

In this part of the session you will consider ways to adapt your leadership approach to stay in REACH and build Trust

R- Responsiveness

E- Empathy

A- Accountability

C- Create Connection

H – Help

We will explore the main factors that can help you build strong trust-based relationships with your team.

Learn how to effectively facilitate remote team meetings.

In this part of the session, you will learn a best-practise approach to apply when facilitating virtual team meetings, that will engage team members and build individual confidence levels.

About the trainer

Jacqui is an award-winning Trainer with 25 years training and coaching experience. Prior to starting her own training company, Jacqui Turner enjoyed a very successful 27 year career in Training and Management roles, working within contact centres across Insurance, Financial Services, Retail and Utility sectors.

Achievements have included ‘Welsh Contact Centre Trainer of the Year 2014’ and a finalist in the National Contact Centre awards for the most effective training programme.

What delegates say

“Easy to follow, like-minded people on course, knowledgeable trainer, good involvement from all!”

Enquiry Form

To request information about this course or to book it, please fill in the form or email info@ccma.org.uk.

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Upcoming Dates

Pick a date below and fill in the booking form to reserve your place and places for colleagues. We will raise an invoice, so if you need to provide a purchase order number, please do so in the form or email it to info@ccma.org.uk.

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3.5 -hour online session using Zoom or Teams.

Who is it for?

Contact Centre Team Leaders who are new to managing a team remotely or want to refresh their remote management skills.

Why should you go?

To learn how to manage a remote team and maintain the performance standards and wellbeing of your home workers.

How much is it?

CCMA members: £249*

Non-members: £349*

*excludes VAT

Additional discounts available for group bookings