Insights & Tools You Can Use to Increase Your Pandemic Escape Velocity

The Business Recovery Accelerator Kit has been created to prepare you for what follows the COVID-19 pandemic. How can you position your organization to capitalize on massive shifts in consumer beliefs and behaviours moving forward? How can you escape from the depths of the coronavirus-induced global recession? And how does the cloud—long considered an emerging part of the modern customer service experience—increasingly vital for such resilience?

The Business Recovery Accelerator Kit looks at:

  •  Re-Understanding Your Best Customers
  • Winning Your Share of Buyers Changing Brands
  • Creating Consistent Multi-Channel Experiences
  • Turning Call Centre Reps into Brand Ambassadors
  • Mastering the Art of Platformication with the Cloud

If you are starting to think about what’s to follow post COVID-19 and how to react, the Calabrio Business Recovery Accelerator Kit is definitely worth a read and can be downloaded here.